Familiar Territory

If you feel the nation’s guidance isn’t enough to keep you safe, don’t wait to do more to protect yourself and others around you. Keep wearing the mask when you’re in public spaces, keep washing your hands with soap (please), maintain safe distance from people, get vaccinated if you haven’t, get the booster if you haven’t, limit your exposure to large groups of people, debunk conspiracies wherever you can and educate people on the risks of Covid.

Addressing The Anti-Activism Narrative

There’s this really odd take that I’ve heard from some people I’ve talked to recently, where they argue that someone who is for certain changes should be the embodiment of the changes they want to make real for the rest of society. At first glance, this sounds sensible enough, but it doesn’t always work outside of a vacuum.

The Logic of Masks – Why and How They Work

There’s a lot of assumptions and misunderstandings when it comes to wearing masks and Covid-19. Today, I want to take a minute to apply some basic research and reasoning to addressing them. Because the best cure for misinformation is education.

Let It End With Me

With most news agencies in the states confident enough now to declare Joe Biden the new President-elect for the United States, I am sitting at my desk and I am gingerly keying my hope and faith in humanity. The election in the USA was so many things, and it represented so much more to me […]

Dead Men Don’t Buy Stocks

The amount of sheer contempt I feel for people who think the stock market or economy are a higher priority to human lives is strong. Not least because of their lack of humanity, not only for the cold empty stench of their greed, but at the bold and wilful choice to ignore the fact that […]

Silence is a Vacuum of Bigotry

I’m not going to mince words: I swear, I’m looking at every single Republican who isn’t condemning Trump’s racist tweets. Silence is tacit approval. Silence is a vacuum of bigotry. No one asked for my seal of approval, but anyone who thinks they can sit back and let the crickets chirp around them on my […]

PSA: USA 2016 Elections

Seriously, USA, seriously? I’m beyond words with all of the ridiculousness of just who (namely: one pathological liar who confuses self-worth with net-worth… I’m looking at you Donald Trump) is being pushed for front runners of their respective parties in the coming US Presidential election. The man is the ever-loving poster child of white privilege… no, […]

Sending Gifts Home – a basic how-to guide

Shipping anything from the UK to the States is expensive anywhere outside of the UK (Oh, who am I fooling, it’s costly even if it is internal). This can and will make sending gifts home a challenge. In the past, I’d try to save/find money to cover the shipping for items to family that was […]