Familiar Territory

If you feel the nation’s guidance isn’t enough to keep you safe, don’t wait to do more to protect yourself and others around you. Keep wearing the mask when you’re in public spaces, keep washing your hands with soap (please), maintain safe distance from people, get vaccinated if you haven’t, get the booster if you haven’t, limit your exposure to large groups of people, debunk conspiracies wherever you can and educate people on the risks of Covid.

Silence is a Vacuum of Bigotry

I’m not going to mince words: I swear, I’m looking at every single Republican who isn’t condemning Trump’s racist tweets. Silence is tacit approval. Silence is a vacuum of bigotry. No one asked for my seal of approval, but anyone who thinks they can sit back and let the crickets chirp around them on my […]

PSA: USA 2016 Elections

Seriously, USA, seriously? I’m beyond words with all of the ridiculousness of just who (namely: one pathological liar who confuses self-worth with net-worth… I’m looking at you Donald Trump) is being pushed for front runners of their respective parties in the coming US Presidential election. The man is the ever-loving poster child of white privilege… no, […]