Familiar Territory

If you feel the nation’s guidance isn’t enough to keep you safe, don’t wait to do more to protect yourself and others around you. Keep wearing the mask when you’re in public spaces, keep washing your hands with soap (please), maintain safe distance from people, get vaccinated if you haven’t, get the booster if you haven’t, limit your exposure to large groups of people, debunk conspiracies wherever you can and educate people on the risks of Covid.

PSA: USA 2016 Elections

Seriously, USA, seriously? I’m beyond words with all of the ridiculousness of just who (namely: one pathological liar who confuses self-worth with net-worth… I’m looking at you Donald Trump) is being pushed for front runners of their respective parties in the coming US Presidential election. The man is the ever-loving poster child of white privilege… no, […]

Addressing the #BlackLivesMatter Counter-Narrative

Let’s acknowledge my privilege status before we begin: I’m a heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied, non-Black minority American. This means that, quite literally, 90% of the problems disadvantaged individuals face are things that I will never experience first-hand myself. Yes, that includes the BS that the UK cooks up. I am a person of exceptional privilege, so […]

PTSD: The Cage of Your Mind – A Veterans Day PSA (Trigger Warning)

My father served in the Navy, specifically the SEALs. He’s seen a lot of things, most of which he still can’t talk about. It speaks volumes to the experience that, what he can say is pretty horrific on its own, despite him having a flair for finding ways to put a comedic spin on it… […]

Where Human Rights Cost Extra

The UK Government wants to axe Human Rights.  The global community should be outraged by the suggestion that basic human rights are somehow an optional extra (presumably only reserved for those of wealth and/or status because they are the only group who’s rights are never in question). Of course, the Conservative Party running the show loves […]

Controversial Parallels – AKA Scotland’s #Indyref (Possible Trigger Warning)

Before we get started: News is that the MM-people are still waiting to hear about whether or not they will be granted Legal Aid to appeal. On a personal note, we still haven’t received our refusal letter. Now that the bits that, let’s be honest, most of my readers actually care about, I’m going to […]

PSA: Target corp. Security Breach – Tips to protect yourself

Due to the wide scope of those affected, I thought I would share a message offering some good advice to Americans in light of Target’s massive security breach and theft from U.S. PIRG Executive Director, Andre Delattre:   Target now admits it wasn’t 40 million consumers who had their credit and debit card numbers stolen […]

Being Strong

After all of the talk, stories, debates and controversy that people stirred up in the passing of Nelson Mandela, I feel like I – in my privileged existence – need to add my two cents by stating the obvious: Mandela was human. Just like everyone else, he was human; this does not diminish or belittle […]

Standing in Front of The Mirror

The 18th of October is Anti-Slavery Day. Where many, so many, of us from “better off” nations point to others and condemn, rightfully, for forced or indentured, slavery. But in the immortal words of my grandmother: people who live in glass houses have no business throwing stones. Can we, the self-dubbed “Western World” accuse others […]

Remembering Girls

Today is International Day of the Girl and conferences, events and gatherings are in full swing. People are talking about topics relevant to all people; be they old or young, across all ethnic groups, religious denominations, works of trade, sexual orientation and gender, but all centred around one unifying thought: the local and global impact […]