Paper (and Rats part 2)

Paper plus rats. No, not paper rats, rats and paper. It’s summer holidays for those attending school in the UK, which means my husband has two weeks of… ahem “free time.” Aside from being that person who will be voted most likely to finish his summer homework the night before classes start again, he’s weekend […]

Talking Turkey (AKA: holidays sales and house types)

Just assume that, from now until the end of 2015, all posts on Transplant Monologues will have some mention of food. Sorry, not sorry. When someone mentions turkey in the United States, the holiday that comes to mind for most Americans is Thanksgiving. I think I’ve said it in years before, but if not I’ll […]

Renting – What to Expect in the UK (Part 6)

written 20/2/14 From how random strangers react to any potential sign of someone or something possibly causing an inconvenience (see: inevitably step in and advise against the actions), the impression I get is that patience is not something that is dispensed without a certain amount of cat-herding in the UK. This may also go a […]

Renting Apartments – What to Expect in the UK (part 5)

Moving day. Well, okay, not really, but chances are I won’t get the opportunity to post this on the day of and I won’t be able to post anything AFTER it until sometime in March. Yo, why March? Well, very literally, that was the soonest we could schedule someone to come out and install our […]

Renting Apartments – What to Expect in the UK (part 4)

Today we met with the letting agency to sign paperwork, pay our rent, damage deposit, the VAT on top of that and got copies of our lease & EPC for our records. So, how’d that go? Surprisingly easy. We left the house on time, armed with my husband’s ID, my US ID, my birth certificate […]

Renting Apartments – What to Expect in the UK (part 3)

We completed and sent in the forms to the agency on the same night and in morning I received a very reassuring phone call from one of their reps, letting me know that the ones I had been e-mailing back and forth with the other day were a little confused and that my immigration status absolutely […]

Renting Apartments – What to Expect in the UK (Part 2)

You can congratulate me now or later, or not at all if that floats your boat, but as of the 5th of February I have been in the UK for one year. Yay~~~ All that excitement out of my system, back onto the renting experience in the UK. The viewing was to be expected, as […]

Renting Apartments – What to Expect in the UK

When suddenly, we’re moving. Actually, that’s not quite right – we had thought about it and I had researched a bit back in 2013. It just hasn’t come to anything until now. So we’re moving and I’ll take you back through the process as I’ve come to learn it, starting from the hunt for potential […]